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Terms & Conditions


Booking Terms & Conditions


All bookings are made with Pamela H. Murdock, Inc. (hereafter referred to as “PHM”) with its principal place of business located at 1617 North Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, Florida 33407. Your signature on the Booking Agreement will acknowledge the acceptance by your entire party of the following conditions:

Booking and Payment

A deposit of 50% of the total property rental is payable to PHM at the time of booking and must accompany the signed Booking Agreement and Confirmation. No contract with PHM will exist until it has received these.

Full payment for all rentals must be received by PHM at least nine (9) weeks prior to arrival date. If a booking is made within nine (9) weeks of the arrival date, full payment (including security deposit and any other miscellaneous charges required) is due at the time of booking. Failure to meet payment deadlines will be treated as a cancellation and PHM reserves the right to retain the deposit. Any judicial or extrajudicial costs caused by a breach of this contract shall be paid by you. We reserve the right to adjust the balance due us should there be a greater than 2% fluctuation in the cost of currency.

Cancellation by You

Any cancellation must be in writing to PHM. The effective date of cancellation is the date on which PHM receives written notification. Cancellation fees will be in accordance with the following schedule:

Cancellation received (9) nine weeks or more prior to arrival date: loss of 50% of total rental cost.
Cancellation received within (9) nine weeks of arrival date: loss of 100% of total rental cost.

Alterations or Cancellation by Us

In the unlikely event that it is necessary to make an alteration to or cancel the accommodation specified in the booking agreement, you will be informed as soon as possible. If requested, PHM will attempt to arrange alternative accommodation of a similar type and standard and in a similar location as that originally requested. If the alternative accommodation is not acceptable, PHM will refund in full all moneys paid and shall be under no other financial liability.



You are strongly urged to purchase trip cancellation insurance to cover any losses in the event you must cancel your booking.


Responsibilities of the Company

PHM operates a selective rental service based on either personal knowledge or descriptions from local owners or suppliers of the properties. We undertake to act as an agent for the owner or owner’s agents. While every effort is made to describe the properties accurately, we do not assume responsibility or liability for misrepresentations, whether oral, printed or written by our agents, sub-agents or owners, in respect to construction, furniture, landscaping, garages or surroundings of the properties; nor for temporary defects or stoppages in supply of electricity, gas, water, plumbing, telephones or swimming pool filtration systems; nor for changes by the proprietors to the property; nor for the character of the proprietors; nor for the quality of roads; nor for loss or damage caused by weather conditions, riot, war, strikes or labor disputes, sickness, injuries, nor for any cause beyond our control.

 Neither PHM, nor its agents or employees, shall be responsible for the loss of personal property or injury or death to you or any person named on the Booking Agreement or other persons at the Property.  Further, you agree to save, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless PHM, its agents and employees, from any and all liability of any nature whatsoever arising out of this Agreement or the occupancy of the Property by you or your guests, invitees, or employees.

Responsibilities of the Renters

No animals may be brought to the property without prior written approval. You agree to occupy the property peacefully and abide by customary standards of acceptable behavior and to leave the property in the same condition of cleanliness and repair as found upon arrival. You may not rearrange furniture or the owner’s possessions. You agree to inform the owner, agent or representative of any damage or loss which may have occurred to the property and agree to be responsible for the replacement of all items which may be broken, damaged or missing and for all debts or charges incurred during your occupancy. You agree to allow the agency to enter the premises when the property or systems are in need of repair. You may not sublet the premises without prior written approval from the house owner. Private functions/parties and live bands are not allowed in rental accommodations without prior approval from the owner.  Guests are responsible for the house during their occupancy and must lock all doors and windows when not on the premises. If there is an alarm system, it should be activated when guests go out to dinner and before they retire to bed. You will indemnify PHM, it’s employees, agents, sub agents, owners and representative and hold them harmless from any claim, loss or damage to persons or property, however caused, which occurs on or about the property rented or in connection with travel to or there from.  You agree that the total number of occupants permitted at the property cannot exceed the number of persons set forth in the Confirmation.  Occupancy by numbers in excess of what is set forth in the Confirmation will result in a forfeiture of the security deposit and/or an additional rental charge within the sole discretion of the owner.  You agree, on behalf of yourself and other occupants, that all occupants assume full responsibility and risk for the use of the swimming pool, if any.  You agree that you and/or your occupants will not use the property (inclusive of the house and surrounding land) for purposes of commercial photography, whether for personal or professional reasons, without prior written consent from the owner.



While everything possible is done to ensure the quality of the properties, there are occasions when problems arise. These must be reported immediately to the local representative or to PHM so that we may endeavor to correct the situation as fast as possible. If satisfaction is not received, you must immediately contact PHM so that we may attempt to resolve the situation. Complaints received at the end or after a stay will not be taken into consideration. Renters who abandon the property without written authorization from the local agent lose all rights to compensation. In no case are we responsible for hotel or other accommodation or travel costs.


Arrival and Departure Times

Unless arrangements have been made otherwise, clients should arrive at the location between 4pm and 7pm local time, and leave by 10am on the day of departure. This is to allow for adequate cleaning time between rental groups. Travel itineraries should be forwarded to us so that local agents or representatives may meet you at the property at the correct time.


Security and Telephone Deposits

A security deposit, as specified in the booking agreement, is payable to PHM together with the final balance of the rental cost or in some cases may be payable to a local representative upon arrival. This is to cover the cost of any damage or breakage of the property or its contents and to cover the cost of telephone usage, utilities and other services during your stay. This amount, less any applicable claims, will be returned to you within (3) three months of your return after we have verified the billing from the property owner. If such costs exceed the amount of your security deposit, you will be billed for the additional amount.


Housekeeping – Staff, Food, Linens, Heating, Air Conditioning

Some properties may include staff as specified for certain hours and tasks, or we may have taken steps to assist with the provision of services with fees to be paid locally. If maid service is provided, you will be notified of the number of hours and the frequency with which bed linen is changed. Most properties offer one set of bed linens and bathroom towels per week. Beach and/or pool towels are not always provided. PHM does not have any contract with such personnel and accepts no responsibility for their performance or services to you. Heating (including swimming pools), air conditioning and fans may not be available depending on the property, and if available, may be subject to an additional fee to you to be paid locally or deducted from your security deposit.


Description of the Property

Please be reminded that when renting a house, especially overseas, PHM cannot promise "American-style" accommodations and that in other parts of the world it is less common to find air conditioning, clothes dryers, VCRs, stereos, Internet connections, fax machines, screened windows and other amenities.  Kitchen appliances may work differently and bedrooms may seem small by American standards. These privately owned homes are built and decorated in the style and taste of the owners.  While all properties offer the necessary level of comfort in the furnishings, many far exceed these standards.


Entire Agreement

This agreement is the only agreement of the parties and there is no other or collateral agreement (oral or written) between the parties in any manner relating to the subject matter hereof.



In the event of any dispute under or relating to the terms of this agreement, or the breach, validity, or legality thereof, it is agreed that the same shall be submitted for arbitration to the American Arbitration Association in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in accordance with the rules promulgated by the said association and judgment upon the reward rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in the enforcement of the terms of this agreement, or for the breach thereof. In the event of litigation or arbitration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover any and all reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs incurred in the enforcement of the terms of this agreement or for the breach thereof. This arbitration shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the nature of any claim or defense hereunder. It is our mutual intention to exclusively arbitrate any and all disputes hereunder.